Bathford Children and Families
At St Swithun’s Church our aim is to have a lively and active children and families ministry!
Each child and family is special and important and we celebrate them all and welcome them into the life of the church. With this in mind we have lots of things on offer for our children and families to attend and get involved with.
Our group Facebook page is St Swithun's Church Bathford
Family Service / Afternoon Praise
Our Family Praise runs every 2nd Sunday in the month at 4pm. These services are always lively and lots of fun! Each service includes games and craft which children and families can enjoy, a dramatized bible story with appropriate explanation, ending with songs, and prayer time. We end with refreshments for both children and their families. Please click here.
Toddlers, Tea & Toast
We meet every Friday from 9.30-11am. Each session - for our small people - includes free play, healthy snacks, a weekly themed craft table, story time and nursery rhymes (with instruments!) altogether.
For the parents , grandparents and carers who attend there is tea and coffee, toast and of course cake and plenty of time for mutual support, to socialise and chat with other grown ups!
We also have a warm and comfortable baby change room with changing mat, extra nappies and wet wipes available. Please click here.
Toddler Group - Parent/Guardian Consent Form
Re:Connect runs every 1st Sunday during term time at 5.30pm. This is especially for year 7 children who had attended Bathford Church Primary School but now attend a variety of secondary schools. They enjoy meeting their friends, some of whom they don't see regularly. Table tennis, table football, craft and of course a variety of refreshments including hot dogs, spaghetti bolognese, marshmallows, cakes and other things that appeal to 11 year olds!
During the evening there is usually a video on a theme from the Bible, which they then all discuss. Please click here.
Assemblies at Bathford Church School
Each week the assemblies team or our Vicar prepare and produce a whole school assembly for the children and staff at Bathford Church School. Our assemblies are based in and around the church calendar and on specific themes as chosen by the school, our Vicar or by the assemblies team.